12 January 2015

7 More Pinterest Tips and Tricks to Help You Gain Followers

These tips and tricks won't really help you gain followers but it will help you as a Pinner.

1. Use the Like button sparingly. It's more for your benefit than the benefit of people whose pins you post. I wanted to "thank" people so I was liking everything when I first started on Pinterest. The Like button is a sorter and you can go to your main Pinterest page and view the pins that you've liked. It's better to save it for pins you really love.

2. Edit the pin descriptions to suit you. I am advising this if you're starting out on Pinterest. Here is where I don't take my own advice because I rarely edit my pin descriptions unless the previous poster posted something I hate and wouldn't want people thinking that I said or if their description is grammatically incorrect.

3. SPELL YOUR BOARD NAMES CORRECTLY! I can't tell you the number of times that I've gone to follow a board and thought seriously about not doing it because the person doesn't take 2 seconds to google the word and spell it correctly. We all make mistakes but board names should be something that's easy to do and easy to fix. (You can change the name at any point.) This may sound very anal retentive but for many people, spelling really matters. If you want to gain followers, this is just something small that can help.

    For Example, there are more boards than I can count that talk about "peeking interest":

4. Interact with other pinners. If you see something that another pinner would like, send it to them. I mostly send pins to just my real life friends but I have sent certain pins to other pinners. Also, if you are tagged in a message about awesome pinners, participate and tag them plus a few others. 

5. If you plan on doing things based on pins you've seen, make a board for what you've accomplished. Whether it's a recipe, craft or anything else, it's nice to have a record of what works and what doesn't.

6. If you pin from an external website, make sure you give credit. Always, always, always give credit when you are borrowing from someone or you're using their content.

7. If you think that you're going to become addicted and pin lots of things, create another account. Split things up so that you have certain similar categories in the same account. (House stuff and recipes together and craftiness in another account...) Make sure that you're friends with your secondary account and that way you can send pins between them like you would to any other friend.

Or if you have a business, you can post things related to business on on account and have a separate account for personal things. I probably should have done this initially but I had no idea how addicted I would become. :)

Bonus Tip: If your boards aren't working for you, don't be afraid to rearrange, combine, delete, or even split. This goes along with #7, Don't be afraid that you'll mess up.from the previous post 7 Pinterest Tips and Tricks to Help You Gain Followers. I created a board for general business and craft fairs that contains information on both. I didn't realize how many fantastic ideas I would find and I'm going to have to create a secondary board.

Another example is that I don't actually sew, knit or crochet and I was originally going to create separate boards for all 3 (because maybe, someday, I might get into that stuff) but it didn't make sense to have so many boards for things I don't even do yet. I created the singular board and I can expand at another time.

1 comment:

Marie Christine said...

When it comes to Pinterest automation the first tool that strikes in my mind is PinPinterest com. I have used various tools and websites to automate my Pinterest account, but no marketing tool can compete with the results that I got with PinPinterest. I am getting a lot of traffic on my websites and its increasing day by day. All thanks to PinPinterest.